
François Graner - personal site

In my teaching activities (and in popular science as well) I try to stimulate the physical intuition, and close the gap between the scientific approach and daily life. Below are some examples ; for more details see the french page.

Teaching activities

  • Soft matter lectures
  • Biophysics lectures
  • Summer schools lectures
  • Books for teachers and students
    Translation rights sold in: english, chinese, portuguese, japanese.

Review articles and books

  • Foam physics in general:
    I. Cantat, S. Cohen-Addad, F. Elias, F. Graner, R. Höhler, O. Pitois, F. Rouyer, A. Saint-Jalmes,
    "Foams: Structure and Dynamics", Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2013, translated by R. Flatman and edited by S. Cox.
  • Foam structure:
    F. Graner,
    "Two-dimensional fluid foams at equilibrium"
    in "Morphology of Condensed Matter - Physics and Geometry of Spatially
    Complex Systems", K. Mecke and D. Stoyan eds., pp. 187-214, Lecture Notes in Physics 600, Springer, Heidelberg, 2002.
  • Foam coarsening:
    S. Jurine, S. Cox, F. Graner,
    "Dry three-dimensional bubbles: growth-rate, scaling state and correlations",
    Colloids and Surfaces A: 263, 18–26, 2005.
  • Lipidic bilayers:
    G. Fragneto, E. Bellet-Amalric, F. Graner,
    "Nanometer scale studies of lipid bilayers using neutrons and x-rays",
    in "Membrane interacting peptides and proteins", ed. F. Heitz (Research Signpost, Trivandrum, India), pp. 43-66 (2002).
  • Scale invariance:
    B. Dubrulle, F. Graner, D. Sornette eds.,
    "Scale Invariance and Beyond"
    Proceedings of CNRS School - Les Houches, EDP Sciences - Springer, 1997.